About Green Star Vermont

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Green Star Vermont is Vermont’s first native Cannabis Certification program. It was founded by a long time organic hemp and veggie farmer who has been certified through NOFA and Clean Green. With NOFA not willing to certify marijuana, and other groups charging exorbitant certifying fees, Vermont needed another option and thus Green Star VT was born. If you qualify for Green Star Certification, you will save money in the long term through our partnership with BIA Diagnostics and by not needing pesticide tests for every sample you submit once we receive our accreditation with the State of Vermont.

Members save 10% on all testing and with state accreditation, members will be able to forgo excessive pesticide testing costs. That’s right! If you qualify for this program you will actually save money! There has never been a certifying agency with the same ethics and goals of Green Star VT!

Our licensing cost is a fraction of our competitors because this is a program designed to help and showcase farmers doing the right thing, not for us to profit.