What is Green Star?

Green Star is Vermont’s own certification program for Cannabis grown with OMRI listed Organic Inputs that is quantitatively Regenerative, Sustainable, Carbon Negative, and of course chemical and pesticide free.This certification means that your product has gone above and beyond the health and safety standards set by the state and is also working to improve our environment. Green Star is different from any other certification in that we are transparent with you and your customers.. With Green Star you know what your money is going toward and the customer knows what's in your product. We pledge to spend your hard earned dollars only on marketing and running the program.


Fertilizers, pesticides, and other materials used to grow must be on the OMRI list, or you must be able to show that the products are organic by nature if not listed on the OMRI list. If a product is not on the OMRI list it will be the responsibility of the grower to prove that it is an appropriate product and falls in line with Green Stars mission. 

Cultivators must show that they are farming in a sustainable manner with a 3 year plan to be carbon negative. If the farm is not carbon negative they must have a plan to become carbon negative and they will have two more years to work their plan and become carbon negative. Farms that are not carbon negative will be allowed to purchase carbon credits to offset their emissions. Cultivators must also show that they are farming in a regenerative manner. This means that the cultivation of your cannabis must be done in a way that improves the soil quality, biodiversity, and water quality. 

Costs and what they are for:

Your fees include a full panel flower test, a full panel soil test, and $500 for licensure and marketing of the Green Star brand. The cost of the flower and soil tests will be market price, but Green Star applicants will qualify for reduced testing fees with our testing partners. Funds will be used for site visits, advertising, marketing, & administrative costs.

Non flower products will be required to be made with Green Star Certified Cannabis and be full panel tested. Beyond the first product, every additional product will cost $250 to license. All cannabis strains will be covered under the $500 fee and a single soil test per cultivation area, but as per CCB regulations, all strains will need their own full panel analysis.


Green Star certification shows that the holder of the certification has gone above and beyond the standards set by the CCB. The Green Star stamp of approval means that your product is far beyond market standards. That your product is not only safe by all metrics for human consumption and is a sustainable product that is helping to regenerate Vermont soils and wildlife, but is either cabron negative or is on its way to becoming carbon negative. All Green Star recipients will have their carbon data and tests posted on our website to promote transparency. Recipients will also have the opportunity to write up to 1000 words about their farming operation. 

Example of Carbon Mathematics…. 

22lbs of CO2 per gallon of diesel. 

3lbs of CO2 per 1lbs plastic.

500lbs plastic x 3lbs CO2=1500lbs

150 gallons diesel= 3300lbs of CO2

 Cannabis can sequester 8 tons of carbon per acre. One third acre of cannabis can sequester roughly 2.6 tons of carbon.   So…..

1500lbs co2+3300lbs c02=4800lbs co2.

2.4 tons CO2 used. 2.6 tons CO2 sequestered. That means a net of 0.2 tons of CO2 was sequestered.

Also to be considered are acres of grassland, forest, etc. associated with the grow. We will not consider carbon expended in commutes, but individuals should be aware of their own carbon impact.

Marketing Strategy & More Benefits:

Marketing dollars will be spent on local advertising, advertising in dispensaries, newsletters spotlighting our Green Star recipients, and sponsoring VT cannabis events. Local advertising includes but is not limited to: social media, newspapers, magazines, cannabis publications, and radio/music app ads.

Adult Use Cannabis Customers will undoubtedly associate the Green Star stamp of approval with a higher quality product. When someone is deciding what flower to purchase, Green Star Certification can be the deciding factor. You can even charge a premium for your Green Star products! Vermonters and Tourists alike appreciate and value the quality of the product and commitment to the environment.

 We pledge to work to get Green Star marketing materials into every dispensary in the state.

Contact info:


@greenstarvermont on instagram

email: abbot@postmodernproject.com

Reach us at via contact page don’t worry we will not spam you.